Scott's Great Chat

Scott's 8th Marathon/12th Great Walk for Telethon

Episode Summary

On WA Day, June 7th 2021 Scott completed his 12th Great Walk/8th 42.195km Marathon down the Koolyanobbing Road to raise money for Telethon. It was his toughest challenge yet. Being sick in the week leading up to it triggered his asthma and his lungs were struggling. Scott knew that if he went ahead there was no way he could make the 6 hour record time he was aiming for. He thought about it and decided his time wasn’t what was important, doing what he could to help was and while he wouldn’t be able to push for a record time he hoped he would be able to complete the Marathon. It was his little brother Damien's 5th year setting the pace. In this episode Damien and Scott have a chat about the lead up to the Marathon and what happened on the Marathon day. If you would like to make a donation towards Scott's Telethon Total to help sick kids and babies please visit his website Thank you

Episode Notes

Damien Guerini chats to Scott Guerini.

Music by Damien ‘DJG’ Guerini.

You can find out more about Scott and his Great Walk for Telethon at



