Scott's Great Chat

Scott's 9th Marathon / 13th Great Walk for Telethon

Episode Summary

Scott's 9th Marathon / 13th Great Walk for Telethon was held on the 7th of July 2022. His little brother Damien was out the front on his pushbike setting the pace for the 6th time. Mum was on an electric scooter and Dad was in the support vehicle. The crew from Mineral Resources (Koolyanobbing Mine Site) came out to the start line with a $2,500 donation towards Scott's Telethon total and cheered Scott and Damien off on their 42.195km journey. MGM Bulk Truck Drivers, Farmers and neighbours stopped along the way to give some encouragement and donations. Lochy, Lucas, Angelo, Uncle Jason, Nanna and Pop were there to help and support Scott along the way. Scott made it to the finish line in 6 hours and 40 minutes (2 minutes shy of his fastest time). In this episode Damien and Scott have a chat about the walk day. Scott also chats to his friends Lochy and Lucas who made the journey to Southern Cross for the first time. All money raised goes to Telethon.

Episode Notes

Damien Guerini interviews Scott Guerini

Scott Guerini interviews Lucas and Lochy 

Music by Damien ‘DJG’ Guerini.

You can find out more about Scott and his Great Walk for Telethon at



